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  2. Cigarette Countdown / Cutting Down
  3. What’s more important? Following the Cigarette Countdown or doing the lessons properly?

What’s more important? Following the Cigarette Countdown or doing the lessons properly?

The most important part of the program is making the most out of the lessons, doing the exercises to the best of your ability, and recording every single cigarette you smoke right after smoking it. That way, you can change how you think about smoking and prepare for your smoke-free life.

The cigarette countdown is just a guideline and a means of reducing nicotine without going cold turkey.

It’s also there to help you build up your confidence, practice the strategies and tools you learn in the program, and practice not smoking without using willpower—all of which you’ll need as a non-smoker.

If you’re too preoccupied with following the cigarette countdown to the extent that you’re not really diving deep into the lessons, then how can you change how you think about smoking?

The countdown is a guideline – not a quit smoking strategy.

Please watch this short video on how to best use the guideline of your Cigarette Countdown:

Updated on October 26, 2022
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