Yes, it’s normal and desirable. You can’t change something without first thinking about it. The work happens now so that you won’t have to think about smoking after you quit.
1. Thinking about smoking is not a problem. It’s HOW you think about smoking that matters.
For example, I think about smoking all day long. But I don’t think about it as something I want, but as something I used to do and help others overcome.
2. On day 0 video 4, you learn that when you do something many times a day, like digesting, breathing, even smoking, your brain makes it unconscious and automatic so it can save you energy.
But when something remains unconscious, it’s harder to change. So by recording every cigarette, you’re turning smoking from an unconscious pattern into a conscious one. So it becomes less automatic and easier to change.
(You’ve always been thinking about smoking and vaping a lot – now you’re just becoming aware of it.)