Most of the time, we smoke on autopilot – without really thinking about it. That’s why you may find yourself smoking a cigarette without remembering picking it up.
The same thing applies to vaping.
The problem is that when a behavior remains on autopilot, and we do it automatically and unconsciously, it’s harder to change it.
So by recording every cigarette, you’re turning smoking from an unconscious pattern into a conscious one. So it becomes less automatic and easier to change.
Even if it’s difficult at first, try to smoke each cigarette consciously and then record it.
How to remember to do it:
✅ You can put a post-it paper on your pack that says, “Remember to record each cigarette after smoking it.”
✅ You can also place your smoking notebook somewhere that’s easily accessible to you after smoking.
Got more tips? Share them with us at [email protected], and we’ll add them here.