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  2. Cigarette Countdown / Cutting Down
  3. How does the Cigarette Countdown Tool work?

How does the Cigarette Countdown Tool work?

You can find the Cigarette Countdown Tool under any video of Day 0 of The CBQ Program. Access day 0 here.

Can’t locate the Cigarette Countdown Tool? Click here

Once you click the Cigarette Countdown Tool, you can put the number of cigarettes you currently smoke.

Then the Cigarette Countdown Tool will recommend a day-by-day guideline to help you wean down on nicotine.

You only need to use your countdown tool once, on day 0.

If you don’t know how much you smoke right now, record your cigarettes during day 0 of the program (instructions are on day 0 video 4) and then put that number on the Cigarette Countdown Tool. 

For example, if you smoked 15 cigarettes on day 0, put “15” in your cigarette countdown.

Updated on March 2, 2023
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