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  3. I struggle to cut down. Will I also struggle to quit smoking?

I struggle to cut down. Will I also struggle to quit smoking?

No, finding it hard to cut down does not mean it will be hard for you to quit smoking! By doing the lessons and exercises to the best of your ability, you will become a happy non-smoker, even if you don’t follow the cigarette countdown perfectly, and even if you don’t cut down at all.

Then what’s the purpose of cutting down?

Cutting down is simply a means to reduce and remove the nicotine from your body. What reprograms your mind and breaks the habit is the process of the program, not how much you cut down.

The Cigarette Countdown tool you’re given on day 0 of the program is only a guideline, not a smoking allowance or a set amount you need to follow perfectly. The purpose of this guideline is to help you gradually wean off nicotine and practice using your mindpower; it doesn’t determine your progress or predict your success.

How to follow the Countdown Guide without willpower: https://support.cbqmembers.com/support-base/cigarette-countdown-101/

Since the goal of the program is to help you easily break free from nicotine, your progress is measured by how much you’re changing how you see smoking. What will help progress and quit easily is:

✅ Learning from the lessons and exercises that change your view and relationship with smoking.

✅ Following the only three rules outlined on Day 0, Video 2: finish the program, avoid willpower, and go through the process with an empowering mindset.

What if you chain smoke, chain vape, or smoke multiple cigarettes one after the other?

✂️ If you smoke consecutive cigarettes, it’s best to start by “cutting the tail!”

How to do this: For example, if you smoke 3 cigarettes in a row while drinking coffee, start by cutting out the third cigarette. This will be easy to do by day 4 of the program if not earlier. When you’re feeling comfortable without this last cigarette, proceed to cut off the second cigarette, and then the final cigarette associated with coffee.

The program lessons will enable you to do this using mindpower, and by day 8 of the program you will also know specific mindpower techniques. If you’re excited to experiment with more mindpower techniques, you can find them here: https://support.cbqmembers.com/support-base/cravings

What if cutting down makes you want to smoke?

📝That means you’re using willpower to cut down, which is not what we want.

Cutting down while feeling deprived won’t help you become a happy non-smoker. The purpose of cutting down is to reduce the nicotine in your body and practice the tools you’re learning in the program before your quit date. That may mean that some days, you may smoke more than what the cigarette countdown indicates, and that’s okay.

If you find yourself over-worrying about how much you cut down, then it’s best to stop cutting down entirely because feeling deprived will only become an obstacle in your progress. So instead of being focused on cutting down, smoke as much or as little as you feel you need and put your full focus on making the most of the program.

Just make sure to record every cigarette right after smoking, as this exercise, along with every other program module, is designed to break your habit and help you to stop wanting to smoke.

Inspiration and advice from fellow CBQ Program members who did not cut down as much or at all during the program:


“I smoked for 40 years. Never able to quit at any point for more than 1 day which was so hard. Never thought I could ever quit. I brought the CBQ program. After 2 half-hearted attempts (stopping around day 4 or 5) over a year I finally committed to just finishing the program. I decided that I just needed to trust the process and have a little faith.

I put a 100% effort into it. I didn’t cut down my cigarette count, I found that hard to do, but I still recorded every single smoke I had. One thing that I felt that really helped me, was that before I would light every cigarette, I would say out loud… I am not giving up. I am saving my money. I am improving my health. I am gaining my freedom.

I found that the visualization exercises, the goodbye letter, and the planning of the last cigarette ritual very powerful for me. To my surprise I actually found it easy to stop. I don’t miss it and I don’t envy those who smoke.

This time next month I will celebrate 2 years smoke free.”


“I smoked all the way through the program. I smoked a pack on my quit day. When I quit I was relieved. I realized that I had wanted to quit for a long time. The whole idea of the program is to work up to your quit date and quit. But if you are ready, go ahead and quit.”


“I didnt put to much effort in cutting down but did naturally by doing the lessens. Put most of your energy in the lessens and dont worry to much about smoking. You can do this!”


“I didn’t really have an ‘aha’ moment. I did have lots of little “that makes sense” moments and I really tried to focus on just finishing the program. Once I finished I couldn’t believe how easy it all felt and I have had little ‘aha’ moments in the months after quitting. It has been nearly 3 months since I quit. My best advice is to not focus on cutting down or what you ‘should’ be experiencing, as it can get in your head. Just keep doing the exercises and going through the program ”


She smoked 2 packs a day for 40 years. She started cutting down for a few days but didn’t need to continue reducing her cigarettes because she was ready to break free! She shared in this video that writing down every cigarette in her notebook played a vital role in changing her relationship with smoking.


Her advice is to be consistent in doing the work so you can fully benefit from the program and not sell yourself short! She shared how the smoking notebook and slowly cutting down during the program helped her the most.

Updated on January 21, 2025
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