When should I fill in the smoking notebook? Record each cigarette (gum, patch, round of vaping) right after smoking/using it. Here’s why: Before you smoke, your thinking is...
Where can I find the smoking notebook? You can find your smoking notebook under any video of day 0. https://cbqmembers.com/modules/day0/ You can find the worksheets of each...
If I smoke one cigarette at different times, do I have to record each time I smoke? It’s best if you record every time you smoke (even if it’s a puff) as if it was a cigarette....
How should I count how much I vape? Please record every round of vaping right after vaping it. Round of vaping: If you take one puff and put...
I’m thinking about smoking more while doing the smoking notebook exercise and videos. Is that normal? Yes, it’s normal and desirable. You can’t change something without first thinking about it. The work happens now so that...
How can I record my cravings? (Craving Notebook) If you’re going through the program as a non-smoker or quit smoking before day 10, make sure you’re recording your...
I keep forgetting to record my cigarettes. Any tips? Most of the time, we smoke on autopilot – without really thinking about it. That’s why you may find yourself...
I am annoyed I have to keep a log. Is it necessary to record every cigarette I smoke? Yes. The smoking notebook exercise can be challenging and annoying, but it works, and it’s essential to your success. Many...
I can’t record my cigarettes immediately after smoking. Is that bad? It’s best to write your cigarettes or vape rounds down as soon as possible. If it’s impossible to record a...
Can I log my cigarettes on my phone? Do you have an app for it? You can use any notes app on your phone to record your cigarettes. You just need to transfer the columns...
I didn’t record my smoking today. Can I move on with the program? If you didn’t keep a log for a day, then it’s best to take a break from the program for...
My entries in my smoking notebook are repetitive. Is that a problem? No, that’s not a problem. Things will become clearer as you move forward with the program. Please keep making an...
What does it mean if I smoke in the middle of the night? Smoking is 80% mental and 20% physical. The physical addiction is weak because nicotine has a short half-life and leaves...
What is the difference between a “craving thought” and the “reason” in my Smoking Notebook? The “reason” is why you smoked. In other words, it’s your rationalization as to why you needed or wanted a...
CBQ Program Members on the Smoking Notebook Exercise The smoking notebook is an exercise unique to The CBQ Program. Even though this exercise needs commitment, it can benefit...